Hakonechloa macra 'Albo-striata' | | 1995 |
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' | | 2002 |
Hakonechloa macra | | 2001 |
Hakonechloa macra 'Stripe it Rich' | Y | 2007 |
Hedera helix 'Henrietta' | | 2003 |
Hedera 'Pink 'n' Very Curly' (syn. 'Fluffy Ruffles') | | 2001 |
Hedera helix 'Spetchley' | | 2004 |
Hedychium 'Dr. Moy' | | 2000 |
Hedychium 'Tahitian Flame' | Y | 2007 |
Helianthemum numm. 'Razzle Dazzle' | Y | 2000 |
Helleborus 'Dark Shadows' | | |
Helleborus 'Honeyhill Joy' | | 2003 |
Helleborus x sternii 'Hot Flash' | Y | 2007 |
Helleborus argutifolius 'Janet Starnes' | | 2001 |
Helleborus NORTH STAR™ 'Crystalline' | Y | 2020 |
Helleborus NORTH STAR™ 'Garnet Frills' | Y | 2020 |
Helleborus NORTH STAR™ 'Pink' | Y | 2020 |
Helleborus NORTH STAR™ 'Plum' | Y | 2020 |
Helleborus NORTH STAR™ 'Ruby Heart' | Y | 2020 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Amber Gem' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Amethyst Gem' | | |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Berry Swirl' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Cotton Candy' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Golden Lotus' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Harlequin Gem' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Jade Tiger' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Onyx Odessey' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Painted Doubles' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Peppermint Ice' | | 2009 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Red Sapphire' | Y | 2012 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Rose Quartz' | Y | 2011 |
Helleborus WINTER JEWELS™ 'Sparkling Diamond' | | 2009 |
Hemerocallis 'Final Touch' | | |
Heuchera 'Amber Waves' | Y | 2000 |
Heuchera 'Amethyst Myst' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Apple Blossom' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Apple Crisp' | Y | 2011 |
Heuchera 'Autumn Haze' | Y | 1999 |
Heuchera 'Autumn Leaves' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Bella Notte' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Berry Marmalade' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Black Beauty' | Y | 2001 |
Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake' | Y | 2020 |
Heuchera 'Black Taffeta' | Y | 2013 |
Heuchera 'Blackberry Crisp' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Blood Red' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Cafe Ole' | Y | 2006 |
Heuchera 'Cajun Fire' | Y | 2011 |
Heuchera 'Can Can' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Cappuccino' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Carousel' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Cascade Dawn' | Y | 1994 |
Heuchera 'Cathedral Windows' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Champagne' | Y | 2015 |
Heuchera 'Champagne Bubbles' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Changeling' | Y | 2023 |
Heuchera 'Checkers' | | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Cherries Jubilee' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Cherry Cola' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Chinook' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Chocolate Ruffles' | Y | 1994 |
Heuchera 'Chocolate Veil' | Y | 1994 |
Heuchera 'Cinnabar Silver' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'City Lights' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Coral Bouquet' | | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Creole Nights' | Y | 2011 |
Heuchera 'Delta Dawn' | Y | 2011 |
Heuchera 'Dolce' Creme' Brulee'™ | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Dolce Peach Melba'™ | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Ebony & Ivory' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Electra' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Electric Lime' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Emerald Veil' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Fairy Cups' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Fandango' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Fantasia' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Fire Alarm' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Fire Chief' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Fireworks' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Florist's Choice' | Y | 2000 |
Heuchera FOREVER® 'Midnight' | Y | 2023 |
Heuchera FOREVER® 'Purple' | Y | 2014 |
Heuchera FOREVER® 'Red' | Y | 2017 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Frosty' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Galaxy' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Geisha's Fan' | Y | 2000 |
Heuchera 'Georgia Peach' | Y | 2007 |
Heuchera 'Georgia Plum' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Ginger Ale' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Ginger Peach' | | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Glitter' | Y | 2013 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Gold Dust' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Gotham' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera GRANDE™ 'Amethyst' | Y | 2018 |
Heuchera GRANDE™ 'Black' | Y | 2018 |
Heuchera 'Grape Soda' | Y | 2014 |
Heuchera 'Green Spice' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Gypsy Dancer' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Havana' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Hollywood' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Jack Frost' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Key Lime Pie' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Lace Ruffles' | Y | 1994 |
Heuchera 'Lemon Chiffon' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Lemon Supreme' | Y | 2018 |
Heuchera 'Licorice' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Lime Rickey' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Lipstick' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Lime Ruffles' | Y | 2013 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Blondie' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Blondie in Lime' | Y | 2015 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Coco' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Frost' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Ginger Snap' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Peppermint' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Shimmer' | Y | 2019 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Sugar Berry' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera LITTLE CUTIES™ 'Sweet Tart' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Magic Wand' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Mahogany' | Y | 2007 |
Heuchera 'Mardi Gras' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Marmalade' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera micrantha 'Martha's Compact' | | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Midas Touch' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Midnight Bayou' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' | Y | 2006 |
Heuchera 'Midnight Ruffles' | Y | 2013 |
Heuchera 'Milan' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Mint Frost' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Mint Julep' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Monet' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Mysteria' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Amber' | Y | 2016 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Black' | Y | 2018 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Lime' | Y | 2016 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Purple' | Y | 2018 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Red' | Y | 2016 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Sienna' | Y | 2019 |
Heuchera NORTHERN EXPOSURE™ 'Silver' | Y | 2017 |
Heuchera 'Obsidian' | Y | 2002 |
Heuchera 'Paprika' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Paris' | Y | 2006 |
Heuchera 'Peach Crisp' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Peach Flambe' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Peach Melba' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Peach Smoothie' | Y | 2023 |
Heuchera 'Peachy Keen' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Pear Crisp' | Y | 2011 |
Heuchera 'Peppermint Spice' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Persian Carpet' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Petite Pearl Fairy' | | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Pewter Veil' | Y | 1992 |
Heuchera 'Pink Lipstick' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Plum Pudding' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Plum Royale' | Y | 2008 |
Heuchera 'Purple Petticoats' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Purple Sails' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Rave On' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Red Lightning' | Y | 2015 |
Heuchera 'Regal Robe' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera americana 'Ring of Fire' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Rio' | Y | 2012 |
Heuchera 'Root Beer' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Rosada' (Emery) | | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Ruby Ruffles' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Ruby Tuesday' | Y | 2021 |
Heuchera 'Ruby Veil' | Y | 1991 |
Heuchera hirsutissima 'Santa Rosa' | | 1998 |
Heuchera 'Sashay' | Y | |
Heuchera 'Shamrock' | Y | 2000 |
Heuchera 'Shanghai' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Silver Shadows' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Silver Veil' | Y | 1992 |
Heuchera 'Smokey Rose' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Snow Storm' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Snowfire' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Southern Comfort' | Y | 2007 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Spangles' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Sparkling Burgundy' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Spellbound' | Y | 2011 |
Heuchera sanguinea 'Splish Splash' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Starry Night' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Stormy Seas' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Strawberry Candy' | Y | 1999 |
Heuchera 'Strawberry Swirl' | Y | 1996 |
Heuchera 'Sugar Plum' | Y | 2009 |
Heuchera 'Tango' | Y | 2004 |
Heuchera 'Topaz Jazz' | Y | 2017 |
Heuchera 'Tokyo' | Y | 2015 |
Heuchera 'Vanilla Spice' | Y | 2005 |
Heuchera 'Veil of Passion' | Y | 1999 |
Heuchera 'Velvet Night' | Y | 1995 |
Heuchera 'Vesuvius' | Y | 2000 |
Heuchera 'Vienna' | Y | 2010 |
Heuchera 'Whirlwind' | Y | 1998 |
Heuchera 'White Marble' | | 1995 |
Heuchera 'White Spires' | Y | 1997 |
Heuchera 'Zipper' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Alabama Sunrise' | Y | 2007 |
Heucherella 'Autumn Cascade' | Y | 2015 |
Heucherella 'Berry Fizz' | Y | 2011 |
Heucherella 'Birthday Cake' | Y | 2004 |
Heucherella 'Brass Lantern' | Y | 2010 |
Heucherella 'Burnished Bronze' | Y | 1999 |
Heucherella 'Buttered Rum' | Y | 2012 |
Heucherella 'Chocolate Lace' | Y | 2001 |
Heucherella 'Cinnamon Bear' | Y | 1999 |
Heucherella 'Copper Cascade' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Cracked Ice' | Y | 2012 |
Heucherella 'Cranberry Ice' | Y | 1999 |
Heucherella 'Crimson Clouds' | Y | 1995 |
Heucherella 'Dayglow Pink' | Y | 1999 |
Heucherella 'Fan Dancer' | | |
Heucherella 'Fire Frost' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Glacier Falls' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Gold Cascade' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Goldstrike' | Y | 2004 |
Heucherella 'Gold Zebra' | Y | 2009 |
Heucherella 'Gunsmoke' | Y | 2010 |
Heucherella HAPPY HOUR™ ‘Lime’ | Y | 2016 |
Heucherella 'Honey Rose' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Hot Spot' | Y | 2015 |
Heucherella 'Indigo Frost' | Y | 2019 |
Heucherella 'Kimono' | Y | 1999 |
Heucherella 'Mojito' | Y | 2014 |
Heucherella 'Onyx' | Y | 2017 |
Heucherella 'Party Time' | Y | 2004 |
Heucherella 'Peach Tea' | Y | 2019 |
Heucherella 'Pink Frost' | | 1995 |
Heucherella 'Plum Cascade' | Y | 2016 |
Heucherella 'Redstone Falls' | Y | 2010 |
Heucherella 'Silver Streak' | Y | 1997 |
Heucherella 'Snow White' | | 1995 |
Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse' | Y | 2010 |
Heucherella 'Solar Power' | Y | 2010 |
Heucherella 'Stoplight' | Y | 2004 |
Heucherella Strike it Rich™ Gold ('Goldstrike') | Y | 2004 |
Heucherella Strike it Rich™ Pink ('Pink Whisper') | Y | 2004 |
Heucherella 'Sunrise Falls' | Y | 2011 |
Heucherella 'Sunspot' | Y | 2002 |
Heucherella 'Sweet Tea' | Y | 2009 |
Heucherella 'Tapestry' | Y | 2008 |
Heucherella 'Twlight' | Y | 2013 |
Heucherella 'Viking Ship' | Y | 1997 |
Heucherella 'Yellowstone Falls' | Y | 2010 |
Hosta 'Aquamarine' | Y | 2010 |
Hosta 'Aristocrat' PPAF (Walters) | | 2000 |
Hosta 'Blue Cups' (Jury) PPAF (R) | | 1999 |
Hosta 'Blue Tips' (Walden/Heims) | | 1998 |
Hosta 'Diana Remembered' | | 2000 |
Hosta 'Early Sunrise' (Japan) | | 1998 |
Hosta 'Harvest Dandy' (Summers/Ruh) | | 2000 |
Hosta 'Jade Cascade' (Heims -NR) | Y | 1994 |
Hosta 'Kifukurin Ko Mame' | | 1998 |
Hosta 'Mostly Ghostly' (Hatch) | | 1998 |
Hosta 'Mr. Big' | | 1999 |
Hosta 'Pacific Blue Edger' (Heims-NR) | Y | 1995 |
Hosta 'Purple Heart' | Y | 2010 |
Hosta 'Raspberry Sundae' | Y | 2010 |
Hosta sieboldii 'Silver Halo' (Japan NR) | | 1999 |
Hosta sieboldii 'Silver Kabitan' | | 1999 |
Hosta 'Snowy Lake' | Y | 2004 |
Hosta 'Spacious Skies' (Walden West) | | 1998 |
Hosta tortifrons | | 1998 |
Hosta 'Uzo No Mai' | | 1997 |
Hosta 'Wild Bill' (Janssen) | | 2000 |
Hydrangea serrata 'Fuji Waterfall' | | 2000 |
Hydrangea 'Mirranda' (Meacham) | | 2000 |
Hypericum androsaemum 'Glacier' | Y | 1997 |