Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Dicentra 'Amore Rose'

Dicentra ‘Amore Rose’

Billowy mounds of bright rose pink flowers crowd over the lacy blue-green foliage to greet you in the garden. Vigorous and very hardy, 'Amore Rose' will please everyone with the abundant flowers that bloom through the heat. So many flowers, so little effort!

USDA Hardiness Zone(s): 5-9
Size (HT/W/FL HT): 9″ / 14″ / 14″
Exposure: Part Shade, Full Shade
Bloom Time(s): May, June, July, August

Common Name Bleeding hearts
Family Papaveraceae
species --
Plant Series
Plant Type
US Patent # PP25623
EU Grant # EU41165
Bloom Time , , ,
Flower Color
Foliage Color ,
Dormancy --
Exposure ,
Growth Habit
Growth Rate
Hardiness Zone , , , ,
How Different? Very long bloom time, excellent vigor.
Landscape Value Use in the woodland and shade garden. It makes a good plant at an entry for long bloom and foliage color.
Most Active Growing Season
Persistence Deciduous
Size (HT/W/FL HT) 9" / 14" / 14"
Soil (Garden) Prefers moist loamy soil.
Water (Garden) Keep evenly moist, not wet.
Special Uses ,
Comments --
Water (Greenhouse) Dry moderately between waterings.
EC 0.5 – 1.0
pH 5.5 – 6.8
Fertility Needs 50 – 100 ppm
Notes Gallon or larger sizes perform best when grown from 4″. Keep evenly moist.
Finish Time to 4″ 9 – 11 weeks
Finish Time to Gallon
Day Length for Flowering Day Neutral
Dicentra 'Amore Rose' - Product Profile
Dicentra 'Amore Rose' - Growing Recipe

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Please credit TERRA NOVA® Nurseries in the following manner:
Photo(s) courtesy of TERRA NOVA® Nurseries, Inc.

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Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Download Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Download
Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Download Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Download
Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Download Dicentra 'Amore Rose'Download

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  • April, 2013 – American Nurserymanclick here